3:50:00 PM
Hello there! my blog has been on hiatus for
quite a while, two years maybe. I just finish cleaning up my blog ( it took me
two days). I get rid of my previous blogskins template and after a few(?) try
and error, i managed to have a new clean and simple template (download of
course). Cause i'm that lazy and got no free time to customize on my own, just
download it, do a few edits and tah-dah! Oh! and i did change my blog name too,
which is 'make myself happen' from
CL's new Maybelline's commercial theme (sorry for stealing but i love it! and i
really adore CL!)
I also get rid tons of my old post ( i laugh at myself when i read 'em again) out of 2++ i only keep quarter of it (and half of it reverted into a draft). I really miss blogging actually, cause this is the only place where i can write just anything that i want. When i started this blog, i even express my anger, disappointment, happiness and lots of nonsense post too. I suddenly feels like i want to start blogging again. This time i might be sharing my interest in designs, home decor, cooking, fashion, travelling maybe and may lots of cool stuffs too (well i'm not sure how long will i have this urge)
So, wait for my next post i guest. I'm pretty sure that i will be really active for few days onward but who knows what will happen after that. Maybe another long hiatus? And! like always, please forgive my forever broken /poor English.
0 mochachino